I have read this information and had the opportunity to ask questions about the procedures’ risks and benefits. I understand there is no guarantee of treatment success.
I agree to have my cat treated by BluePearl. I understand that my cat will require boarding at BluePearl for approximately four days. I will not be able to visit my cat during this time, but I will receive updates from the BluePearl staff.
I authorize the attending veterinarian to administer sedatives, anesthetics, and other medications as necessary to my cat. I understand that hospital support personnel will assist the veterinarian as required.
I understand that I am responsible for the treatment costs.
I do not expect financial compensation if therapy fails, unexpected drug reactions occur, or complications result from this treatment.
I agree to comply with the discharge recommendations noted below for 10 days after discharge:
- Keep my cat indoors
- Minimize or avoid physical contact with my cat.
- Wear disposable gloves when changing the litter box. Dispose of litter daily by placing it in a plastic bag and placing the bag in an outdoor trash can.
- Wash my hands thoroughly after cleaning the litter box or handling my cat.
- Isolate my cat from children under 18 and pets under one year of age.
- Keep my cat away from people who are pregnant or those with thyroid-related issues.
I will ask my veterinarian to check my cat’s thyroid hormone and kidney blood values four to five weeks after treatment to make sure it was successful.
I have read, understand, and agree to the conditions in this consent form.