My Hero And Protector
Louisoix was the first dog that I ever had the pleasure of raising. He loved bowties, ladies, and lasers the most. He was my best friend, he made me smile every day, he made my bad days into good days, made my good days into great days, and was my hero and protector throughout the years. Never would I have thought that I would have been so lucky to have a dog like him in my life.
I called BluePearl when I noticed swelling around his neck, and I feared the worst (Let’s be honest, we’re all Google-doctors when we panic). When I brought him into the hospital, the teams there were able to examine him pretty quickly. It was then that my worst fears were confirmed. Louisoix was diagnosed with Lymphoma at a young age of 6 years.
Managing My Worst Fears
Nothing about Lymphoma is easy and managing it as best you can takes a huge toll on your best friend and your family. Having to say goodbye only gets harder when you know you have to say it sooner than your want – But for me; saying goodbye without any regret in mind for not trying hard enough was most important.
Even though my time with Louis was cut short, that time would have been even shorter without the oncology team at BluePearl. Dr. Bulakowski and his team were there for me from start to finish. The emergency vets were there when Louis would get sick (from treatment). They all helped me have an extra year with Louisoix by doing everything we could to buy more time, and he was spoiled every single day until our last day.
Saying Goodbye The Way We Wanted To
When no more time could be bought, we got to say goodbye how we wanted. We had a great last day while he could still be a dog and not immobilized by Lymphoma. He gave us lots of kisses and passed away in my lap peacefully.
Do I wish that I could have had more time with him? I wish it every day.
Did I regret ending our time when I had to? Not at all.
I can thank everyone at BluePearl who helped us through it.