BluePearl’s Medical Quality team rolls out a new nationwide checklist initiative.

At BluePearl, we strive for unprecedented levels of safety and reliability. To ensure our patients receive the care they deserve, our Medical Quality program equips our teams with evidence-based frameworks that improve outcomes for patients and their families and foster collaboration among our Associates, teams and community partners.

We are launching the Checklist Initiative to improve surgical and anesthetic care safety by defining a core set of standards that can be applied to all procedures requiring anesthesia. Derived from the World Health Organization’s Second Global Patient Safety Challenge, “Safe Surgery Saves Lives,” this initiative underscores medical solutions for preventing and decreasing surgical and anesthetic-related complications.A checkbox has words next to it that read: Checklist initiative: critical steps for quality care

While it is human tendency to skip steps that may not always matter, we quickly realized that these steps do make a difference when a mishap occurs. The Checklist Initiative helps our teams remember every step in the anesthetic and surgical process and protects veterinary professionals against the fallibility of humans:

When patients and clients are provided with consistent quality care, they see improved outcomes and quicker recovery times, and care teams see improved morale through continual collaboration and communication.

This initiative highlights our passion and commitment to providing reliable, safe and effective care for every patient. Please look for future BluePearl communications about how you can use this initiative inside your clinics.

Together, we will advance the practice of veterinary medicine.