Butterball Turned This Dog Person Into a Cat Lover
I am a dog person, always have been, always will be…..well, maybe not. A stray cat started hanging around my neighborhood. She was very sweet and vocal and loved being pet. I started to pet her whenever I took my dogs outside. My neighborhood has lots of strays and feral cats..and they have babies..lots and lots of babies.
So, I decided to sort of adopt the cat..Butterball. I took her to the vet and got her vaccinations and was waiting the two weeks to get her fixed. Monday night she was really needy and it was about to storm so I let her in and she sat on the couch with me. She was on my lap and I was petting her for over an hour. I went to get up and lo and behold, there was a kitten on my leg. I FREAKED OUT!
I started calling my cat friends about what to do. A few minutes later, Butterball and baby were in a box, on towels, chilling. I was worried though, because I felt like there should be at least another kitten. So I called BluePearl..the young lady I spoke to said that if I was worried, I should bring them both in. So, I packed them up and we took the 40 minute drive, in the rain, to BluePearl.
The lovely ladies at the front desk immediately took charge of the felines and I sat down and cried (I was so emotional, not sure why). A bit later the vet came out and took all of the info and asked about my concerns, she then went back and x-rayed Butterball. She had another kitten in her uterus but it was sideways and not moving down the birth canal. She also found that Butterball had a hernia in the sac around her heart and her intestines were in the sac.
I was overwhelmed and sort of lost, but the vet’s calm demeanor helped to keep me calm too. She examined Butterball further and then made several suggestions. The one that I chose was to take her home and see if the baby would turn and move. If not by morning, then take her to her vet. We did. She had a c-section and now I have a momma cat and THREE kittens. (I found the second kitten outside under a bush before we headed to the vet.). I was a shook-up wreck when this all started.
I am so glad I went to BluePearl. They helped me with my anxiety level and my baby and her babies are all in great shape. Thank you, BluePearl, I will be back!