Image of Tybee getting walked along the beach.BluePearl specialists team up for Tybee.

October 1, 2016, my beloved dog, Tybee (a beautiful Vizsla mix) woke up and was unable to open her eyes.

I brought her to my regular vet, who saw her immediately. After a few tests, she recommended I rush her to a nearby emergency clinic. They were unable to diagnose her, but were able to get her on appropriate medicine for her eyes, via a Skype session with the ophthalmologist, until I was able to bring Tybee in to see her Monday (as this happened on a Saturday morning).

After a few trips to the clinic to see the ophthalmologist, we still had no answer as to what caused my baby girl’s retinas to detach or the bleeding behind her eyes.

In November 2016, there was internal bleeding in her intestines – again, she was put on medicine that helped her – but still, no answer as to why or how this happened.

December 31, 2016, both of Tybee’s eyes were unable to open (again) and my vet told me to go to BluePearl on Abernathy Road immediately, as internal medicine at the other clinic was unable to fit her in.

The service and care I received at BluePearl was undoubtedly the best from when I first walked in. I received an immediate “hello” with top-notch customer care service. Considering I was in a panic mode because of my dog’s condition, the front desk staff were very calming.

Dr. Caroline Monk was, fortunately, there that day (of course it was a Saturday) and was able to see Tybee’s situation first-hand. Both of Tybee’s retinas had detached, and Dr. Monk was hopeful about Tybee’s recovery. Regardless, she put Tybee on different medicines than what the other clinic administered.

A few days later, we went in to see Dr. Derek Duval for internal medicine to get a complete diagnosis. After many tests that were run, Tybee was diagnosed with Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia. I was very grateful that both Dr. Duval and Dr. Monk were in the same hospital and could jointly work on Tybee’s case. I distinctly remember Dr. Monk telling me in one of the follow-ups, “Tybee is a miracle dog!!” as both retinas reattached naturally.

Ever since January 2017, Tybee has had consistently great platelet counts and has not relapsed. I am eternally grateful for the staff at BluePearl, Dr. Monk and Dr. Duval for their expertise, caring demeanor, and their patience with me (as a concerned doggie mom with thousands of questions).

Please tell Dr. Monk and Dr. Duval how thankful I am.

Ally H.