Cat Vomiting: Possible Causes and When to Seek Help

Most cat owners can relate. You wake up in the morning or get home from work only to find that your favorite rug or pair of shoes has received a gift from your cat. How do you know if this is normal or if it’s a sign of some sort of medical condition?

Cats can vomit for a lot of different reasons, some of which are serious and some are not. It’s a pretty common cat problem. So what exactly causes a cat to vomit?

Causes of Cat Vomiting

Just like humans, cats can overeat or have an upset stomach from eating the wrong thing, which results in the cat vomiting. However, a cat who throws up may have something more serious going on.

What are some common causes for a cat to throw up and when should you be concerned? 

Sudden Vomiting Causes

Chronic Vomiting Causes

Serious Problems

When your cat shows signs of sudden or acute vomiting, the episode may just pass on its own. However, if your cat suffers from routine vomiting, then seek your veterinarian’s advice. Recurring vomiting episodes could be a sign of a serious problem.

Other Possible Symptoms

Just like humans, cats throw up for a lot of reasons, which can make it difficult to determine the cause. Most of the time it is not serious a cat vomits. However, you should always err on the side of caution and contact your family veterinarian if you’re not sure why your cat is throwing up, or if your cat has other serious symptoms, such as the following:

Is it Time to Seek Professional Help?

Although you might be able to help your cat overcome periodic vomiting due to minor stomach issues, if your cat is experiencing any of the above symptoms, then you might want seek the help of your veterinarian. An experienced veterinarian will be able to determine the best course of action in order to diagnose and then treat whatever ails your fluffy friend. By reviewing your cat’s medical history and performing a thorough examination, a veterinarian can choose the most appropriate tests to perform to get to the root of the problem.

Treating the Problem

After your veterinarian has diagnosed what ails your pet, treatment options deemed best for your cat will be prescribed. BluePearl Veterinarian with B&W CatMany times, you can care for your cat at home, just like you would a sick child. Other times your cat might need more intensive medical care, including medication. In any case, a trusted veterinarian can help you determine what exactly your cat needs to get him or her feeling well again.